



In 2010, the Rockefeller Foundation published a report on scenarios for the future of technology and society and suggested that the direction in which new technologies such as artificial intelligence, CCTV, and the internet was one of reduced agency by citizens and increased top-down control of citizens and societies by governments and private corporations. Analogous claims are made about the ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’, AI, and the internet, which will increasingly displace human beings in such labor-intensive activities as education, food production, healthcare, hospitality, and transportation. To these ideas, the World Economic Forum adds that after Covid-19, a ‘new normal’ social condition in which ‘social distancing’ and other ‘public health’ practices will be globally adopted, as part of a ‘Great Reset’ of human civilization, which is needed both to adjust humanity to the new social condition of the Industrial Revolution, and to the growing threats to human and more than human life from environmental as well as health problems. These proposals do not emanate from democratic fora or from deliberation by citizens but from private organizations that have colonized public space and deliberation on the future shape of human societies at a time when public meetings in many countries were banned. The trajectory of the proposed transformation is towards the replacement of democracy with technocracy or ‘rule by experts’ including even ‘intelligent’ machines. In this paper, I consider the ethical and political implications of the proposed social transformations and suggest that there are more appropriately human- and earth-centered approaches to the problems these transformations are said to address. read more

INDONESIAN ISLAMIC NATION (NII) MOVEMENT IN URBAN AREA The Dynamic and Its Strategies in Preventing and Dealing with the NII in three Biggest Higher Education Institutions in Banyumas Area


The outbreak of cases of deception toward university students associated with the Indonesian Islamic State (known as NII) in various regions in Indonesia forces us to rethink what happened to higher education institutions and its environment. Indonesian media reports that many of NII?s victims are university students include universities in Banyumas also not immune from the movement under the mask of NII. At least there are 43 students already recorded in Banyumas universities are involved or become victims of deception. These numbers may sound so few. However, we can assume that this victims? number is the number that revealed by the media and therefore it is very possible the real number of the victims are more than 43 students. read more

Contents of The 11th IGSSCI Proceedings

The Fulfillment of the Need for the Right of Formal Education to Children in Conflict with the Law as Efforts to Realize the Prosper City for Children in Surakarta


The phenomenon of children in conflict with the law has always been a hot topic in society and headline news in a variety of media. The society believes that children in conflict with the law deserve to be placed in prison as punishment for the crime that has been committed. As a city that appointed is a pilot project of the proper city for children, Surakarta considered able to solve the various problems and seeking protection for a child. The aim of this research is to find out form of education that can be accepted by children in conflict with the law and the role of stakeholders (the city government and civil society) to meet the needs of formal education for children in conflict with the law. This research is using circumstantial analysis case study approach with the kind of research under descriptive qualitative. Technique of taking samples is by purposive sampling and snowball sampling. Data collection techniques used is in-depth interviews, observation and study of documentation. The validity test of the data used, triangulation of data and methods. Analysis techniques using interactive data analysis model Miles & Huberman consisting of four stages is collecting data, reduction of data, interpretation of data, and draw conclusions. The results showed that for children in conflict with the law, formal education received still limited to the national examination and non formal education in the form of spiritual education. The fulfillment of the need for the right of formal education to children in conflict with the law in Surakarta as the proper city for children more done by NGO networking through PT PAS. The role of stakeholders in the handling of children in the conflict with the law in the proper city for children make final award of the dominant criminal prison which led to abandonment of children’s rights, particularly in the field of formal education. read more



Higher education is one of the central of human resourses improvement. Educators are one of the factors that determine the higher education quality. The purposes of this research are to explore how the character of higher education lectures affect the students and to see the condition of the lecturers skill and personal character in educating and researching at the Department of Health Policy and Management (HPM) of Gadjah Mada University. The methods that are used in this study was literature review and an online survey. The samples were 14 lecturers from HPM UGM. The ability and good personal character of lecturers in educating and researching will have a great impact on the learners. From this study it can be concluded that the HPM lecturers at Gadjah Mada University have the ability and good character in educating and researching. read more


  • Author: Prof. Dr. Muhadjir Darwin (Magister Studi Kebijakan)
  • From: Magister Studi Kebijakan


Student brawls that lead to criminal activities called klithih (a Javanese term for violence among teenage students) is currently rampant in Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY). This condition cannot be separated from the weakening role of families and schools in nurturing the students. In general, teenagers need their existence to be acknowledged in their struggle for identity. Their self and group existence needs to be shown, so that other teenagers or groups will not look down on them. The teenagers? failure in the process of their identity search is what plunges them in deviant behaviors such as engaging in brawls. The rapid social change through information technology and the cultural change from agrarian to industrial society are suspected to be the causes of the waning parenting and relations among family members. The parenting style that initially focused on families when society was agrarian has shifted to a style that delegates the parenting role to the formal education in the current industrial society. In light of this situation, this research aimed to develop a model of relationships between students? parents and schools in order to handle student brawls. This research utilized a qualitative and a quantitative approach with descriptive analysis technique. The result showed that 65.6% of the community of Yogyakarta stated or agreed that group violence especially klithih had increased in the last year, and the main cause was the weakening role of parents (65.5%) and schools (39.6% %). The negative action, klithih, is a manifestation of improper identity searching because it demonstrates a lack of self-control. The process of searching for self-identity among teenagers requires assistance from the closest people, especially family. However, some informants whose children were involved in klithih stated that they did not need to accompany and guide their teenage children in searching their identity because they believed that their children should be independent. Therefore, efforts must be made to create a good synergy between the school and parents in handling student brawls. One example is improving good communication between the two parties in coaching and supervising teenage students, especially through a model of personal communication involving information technology. read more



Indonesian majority people are Muslim or Islamic followers. Halal problem phenomenon in a Muslim country is common problem; however it is still interesting to be studied further, especially about the society’s behavior to choose food products with halal label. It is interesting to study its effect on food products competitiveness in the market. It will affect business resilience of the food products seller. The establishing of business resilience needs to be analyzed further relate to halal labeling and certification on food product and its relation with the product?s competitiveness. The research is using field research to describe society’s phenomenon in choosing food products base of the halal label enclosed on the food products in Surakarta, and also halal labeling and certification of food products from Surakarta MUI and the business resilience of the food seller. The research result is relation to the eight important points of halal labeling and certification process namely halal certification requirements and join SJH (Sistem Jaminan Halal) training held by MUI, applying SJH, preparing halal certification documents, registering halal certification (upload data), monitoring post-audit and paying the certification; auditing, gaining halal certification. The effect of halal labeling and certification relating to consumer’s interest on food products is in time will imply food seller’s business resilience in Surakarta. read more



In Javanese culture, Madness, spirituality and religion are all deeply rooted metaphysical phenomena.In Javanese community, there are many experiences of the unthinkable and untouchable which have big spiritual effects on persons with mental illness. This research looks at how some recovered patients with mental illness become religious and spiritualist. Seeing social precarity, social withdrawal and psychosis phenomena, this study will show how spirituality of religion used as media to rehabilitate and re-socialize the patient with mental healing need. Since this research was standing in religion and public life framework, this research will be focused on how the process of mental rehabilitation was also shaping spirituality discourse in public life. Through interviewing recovered patients treated in mental hospitals and with traditional healing, this study also seeks the connection between mental vulnerability, religiousity and madness. read more