
9th IGSSCI Proceedings


  • Author: Prof. Dr. Muhadjir Darwin (Magister Studi Kebijakan)
  • From: Magister Studi Kebijakan


Student brawls that lead to criminal activities called klithih (a Javanese term for violence among teenage students) is currently rampant in Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY). This condition cannot be separated from the weakening role of families and schools in nurturing the students. In general, teenagers need their existence to be acknowledged in their struggle for identity. Their self and group existence needs to be shown, so that other teenagers or groups will not look down on them. The teenagers? failure in the process of their identity search is what plunges them in deviant behaviors such as engaging in brawls. The rapid social change through information technology and the cultural change from agrarian to industrial society are suspected to be the causes of the waning parenting and relations among family members. The parenting style that initially focused on families when society was agrarian has shifted to a style that delegates the parenting role to the formal education in the current industrial society. In light of this situation, this research aimed to develop a model of relationships between students? parents and schools in order to handle student brawls. This research utilized a qualitative and a quantitative approach with descriptive analysis technique. The result showed that 65.6% of the community of Yogyakarta stated or agreed that group violence especially klithih had increased in the last year, and the main cause was the weakening role of parents (65.5%) and schools (39.6% %). The negative action, klithih, is a manifestation of improper identity searching because it demonstrates a lack of self-control. The process of searching for self-identity among teenagers requires assistance from the closest people, especially family. However, some informants whose children were involved in klithih stated that they did not need to accompany and guide their teenage children in searching their identity because they believed that their children should be independent. Therefore, efforts must be made to create a good synergy between the school and parents in handling student brawls. One example is improving good communication between the two parties in coaching and supervising teenage students, especially through a model of personal communication involving information technology. read more


  • Author: Santi Susanti
  • From: Faculty of Communication Sciences, Universitas Padjadjaran


Language is the medium used by human to communicate with other human. One function of language according to Larry L. Barker is for transmitting information. As a means of transmitting information, language can pass the time, by linking the past, present, and future to allow for the continuity of culture and tradition. This function of language is used by a number of authors in Bandung to preserve the Sundanese culture through writing. Through qualitative-phenomenological method, this article reveals the Sundanese writer?s experience in using his ability to write in an effort to preserve Sundanese culture. Based on data collected through interviews and document searches, it was revealed that cultural preservation conducted by the Sundanese writers done through two types of writing, fiction and nonfiction. Literacy used in a form of humor, essays, short stories, and more. Medium that used for message distribution also varied, ranging from print media such as newspapers, magazines, newspapers, books, radio, film, up to social media. Cultural preservation efforts conducted by the writers, in essence, boils down to a desire to keep the Sundanese culture still maintained continuity, also may give a contribution to the development of civilization. read more


  • Author: G.R. Lono Lastoro Simatupang
  • From: Performing Arts and Visual Arts Studies, Graduate School, UGM


Now ears of Indonesians are familiar with the sound of Dandut Koplo. Many kinds of television programs almost every night plays dangdut contest shows. Not only that, many kinds of dangdut koplo songs are more varied to be created. A certain condition is different from the emerge of Dangdut Koplo in television in early 2000s. Instead of running well, dangdut koplo has been having pressure from a number of parties, starting from Rhoma Irama – the king of dangdut – to Indonesia Broadcasting Committee in West Java that forbid some songs aired on the radio because of the negative element (see 0530/Digemari-Dulu-Dicekal- Kemudian-/index.php) and many other violations. Departing from this, we can realize that negative stigma is very strongly embedded by the society on dangdut koplo. The performance between Rhoma Irama Dangdut and Dangdut Koplo makes the existence of significance that is quite big. Meaning that the difference between the two dangduts is very distant, it leaves subjective evaluation that sometimes is disadvantageous for one party. The effect of the negative stigma is embedded not only socially, but also musically. In this matter, the musical of dangdut koplo is also given the negative stigma not in the musicality frame or logic, but social and morality logic. Furthermore, it can be related to auditive experience of the society. It cannot be denied that the significance of dangdut and dangdut koplo makes the listeners ? both pros and cons ? able to classify the difference between dangdut and dangdut koplo auditively, where dangdut can be enjoyed more, with the lyrics, music, to the performance rather than dangdut koplo performance. The assumption is not denied that its development is quite massive in the mind of the society recently. Dangdut koplo with its various characteristics receives negative stigma from many layers of society, starting from religious experts, common people, to the king of dangdut Rhoma Irama. Dangdut is considered to have moralistic lyrics, swinging music, to well-mannered performance. Rhoma Irama even differs esthetic dance and erotic dance, erotic dance is associated with dangdut koplo. read more


  • Author: Lilik Untari
  • From: Doctoral Student at Faculty of Cultural Sciences of Gadjah Mada University


Hearing impairment causes deaf children to differ from their peers. Their unique experience in acquiring the language might influence language development in deaf children. Many studies found that deaf children have low literacy. Most of researches highlight the benefit of sign language for deaf literacy. However there are still limited studies on deaf children who are exposed to spoken language. This research is conducted to explore the written text comprehension of deaf children’s who are exposed to spoken language. It is a case-study research by applying guantitavie and qualitative method in analyzing the data. The data are reading components include: children’s sentence structure comprehension and children’s reading comprehension assessed by Barrett taxonomy. The subjects are 5 pre-lingually deaf children from middle School special education of YRTRW Surakarta and 20 fourth grade elementary hearing students. The data are collected through comprehension test and interview. The result shows that deaf children’s comprehension score can be classified into two groups: (1) deaf children scored equal to 4th grade hearing students and (2) deaf children scored lower than 4th grade hearing students. The students scored lower than hearing students known to have lower score on vocabulary knowledge and syntax. Although they have lower score, deaf children have the same pattern of comprehension with the hearing students. Among the five levels of Barrett’ reading taxonomy: literal, reorganization, inferential, evaluation, and appreciation, deaf children and the 4th grade hearing students perform well on literal comprehension. Meanwhile good deaf reader and 4th grade students can cope inference task better than poor deaf reader. The lowest score obtained by poor deaf reader is on evaluation task. This tendency is the same as the score of the 4th hearing students. This brings implication that although deaf children’s comprehension is lag behind the hearing peers, they undergo the same phase as the hearing one. The key aspect of text comprehension is comprehension of sequence. read more


  • Author: Latifah
  • From: Master of Communication Science Faculty of Communication Science, Padjadjaran University


In recent years, the phenomenon of alternative medicine has been widely discussed in various media on the case of religious spiritual alternative treatment. This treatment becomes one of the efforts undertaken by the community to solve health problems they are experiencing. This phenomenon has long been developed in a society that is considered very strong with the spiritual things. This study shows many factors that influence people in utilizing alternative treatments. Some factors include family factors, personal experience, economy and culture. This study aims to find out how the patient?s health trust on alternative supernatural medicine with the help of Ustad seen from Health Belief Model Theory and theory of cognitive dissonance. HBM is a cognitive model which means that individual behavior is influenced by cognitive processes in itself. This cognitive process is influenced by several factors: demography, socio-psychological, and structural. Demographics include class, age, gender. Sosisopsychological characteristics include, personality, peers, and group pressure. While the structural knowledge and experience about the problem. There are also 6 important aspects of Health Belief Model (HBM), which are perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived benefits, perceived barriers, cues to action, and self efficacy. While the theory of cognition dissonance itself argues that dissonance is an uncomfortable feeling that motivates people to take steps to reduce the discomfort. The method used in this research is qualitative with ethnographic study approach which is more focused on the concept of culture and belief system. Snowball sampling is used as selection of respondents or resource persons method. Where the data will be obtained from the sources will be stopped when the authors find the data saturated. The results of this study is an alternative treatment undertaken by the informants as these patients vary. Not only are there medical diseases that can be resolved medically, there is also a disease that is not known by the medical and also some who want to produce blessing or avoid a negative energy felt by the patient. read more


  • Author: Rina Tri Agustini
  • From: Universitas Airlangga


World population growth must be accompanied by increasing quality of human societies. Age Projection Structure of Indonesian Population on 2010-2035 based on Bappenas et al in 2013 showed that productive age between 20-24 years old have being increased continously (Jalal, 2014). Those ages were including age of students according to School Enrollment Rate (BPS, 2015). Therefore, need to be concern in roles of educational institution that health is one of it goals. In this case, college must to maintain and improve health of students. Besides, expansion of interregional students lead to increasing cross-cultural students, trigerring culture shock that can affect their health. So that, required to identify their coping effort in dealing with the health effect of culture shock. Transactional Model of Stress and Coping Theory by Lazarus and Folkman (1984) in Glanz et al (2008) were used to identify it. This study was a descriptive qualitative study with observasional approach and cross sectional study. Informants were non Javanese students on second semester in Universitas Airlangga. Study included of culture shock?s screening, indepth interview, and triangulated by Focuss Group Discussion. Data were analyzed by reduction, narration, and conclusion. Primary appraisal shows that most of informants said they felt severely suffered of culture shock as well as they felt susceptible suffered of it. Secondary appraisal shows that all of informants are able to control over the culture shock experience. While, most of them are able to control emotion that caused of it. Due to both appraisal, had been known that they have done coping efforts in dealing with effects of physical, mental, and social health. Social support was received from friends and the local community. So, educational institutions could be make the result of coping efforts analysis as a basis for decide on related policies. Besides, migrants can use it as preventive and promotive effort. read more


  • Author: Encang Saepudin
  • From: Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi Unpad


This study examines the Kaulinan Budak Lembur (Sundanesse village children traditional games) preservation model in Sindangkerta District of Cipatujah Tasikmalaya. With qualitative methods and techniques of collecting data through interviews, observation, focus group discussions, and the literature study, thes study aims to identify the type of game, the values contained in the game, and the preservation of the children games in Sindangkerta District of Cipatujah Tasikmalaya. Respondents in this study are managers of Saung Budaya Tatar Karang Cipatujah and village community leaders of Sindangkerta. The results of this research show that there are twelve type of games that is preserved by Sindangkerta community. Every game has a life values applied by the mutual love, mutual teaching, and mutual care (silih asih, silih asah, dan silih asuh). The values in the game are togetherness, leadership, honesty, tolerance, moderation, etc. Preservationof the village children games conducted by managers of Saung Budaya Tatar Karang Cipatujah is divided into two forms namely Culture Experience and Culture Knowledge. read more


Author: Fitriyani

From: Management of Higher Education, The Graduates School of Universitas Gadjah Mada


The use of e-Learning in the learning process in higher education institution in Indonesia is currently experiencing a significant increase. E-learning as online learning patterns of behavior considered as determining how learners. The use of e-learning in the learning process is able to provide a better learning opportunities, enrich the teaching materials to be more vivid and realistic. This paper aims to identify the significance and the concept of cultural transformation in the optimization of the implementation of e-learning in the learning process in higher education institution. This study used descriptive qualitative approach. The results showed that the learning process that combines face to face and online learning requires a process of cultural transformation in learning through social determinism approach in order to obtain optimal benefits. The cultural transformation in values and behavior, including an appreciation of the value of efficiency, work ethic, ethos of learning and the development of self-learning culture. Therefore, these prerequisites must be fulfilled through policy and implementation program to improve learning and self-learning ethos. Without fulfilling these socio-cultural prerequisites, an e-learning implementation of the policy will only make learners become so unproductive consumer technology. Through social determinism approach, the learned behavior will occur because of the culture of collective learning. read more


  • Author: Nurhata 
  • From: STKIP Pangeran Dharma Kusuma Indramayu


This study aims to know how the relationship between the Chinese and the Natives in Cirebon from the 15th to the early of 20th century, based on the traditional historiography of the Negarakrtabhumi manuscript, Carita Purwaka Caruban Nagari, Babad Cirebon, Babad Darmayu and Sedjarah Koentjit. This research is diachronic by using analytical descriptive method. In the manuscript of Negarakrtabhumi, Carita Purwaka Caruban Nagari, and Babad Cirebon affirmed that the Chinese-Natives relations in the land of Cirebon in the 15th-16th century went harmoniously. The relationships between them are mutually beneficial, without any obstacles. Meanwhile, the manuscripts of Babad Darmayu and Sedjarah Koentjit tell the contrary, their relationship is split. At the beginning of the 19th century, the Chinese were considered by the Natives have extorted and tormented the people, so that they were often subjected to do rebellion and forced them out of Cirebon. In that area their existence was related to the policy of Preanger Stelsel (1686) as well as the events of the Geger Pecinan (1740-1743) in Batavia. At the beginning of the 20th century, there were anti-Chinese movements in Cirebon, Majalengka, and Indramayu. The natives demanded equality of material wealth over the Chinese, by cutting the pigtail. The anti-Chinese movement by the santri is a form of expression that the natives were in power over their own homeland. Thus, for about six centuries, Chinese-Natives relations in Cirebon as described above are strongly influenced by economic problems. read more


  • Author: Subejo
  • From: Study Program of Extension and agricultural Communication, Department of Agricultural Socio-Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada


Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) or commonly referred as electronic media or cyber media has been acknowledged play pivotal role in the development process. ICTs as a new instrument could facilitate the need of new information and innovation for rural people or farmers. Several studies reported that extension and communication basedelectronic media in developing countries encounters more hindrances rather than in developed countries. However, the application of ICTs is substantial to be strengthened by considering their potency and prospect for supporting various activities of villagers. This paper discusses the access and utilization of ICTs by farmers in rural Yogyakarta for supporting daily life activities including agricultural activities. The geographical conditions and socioeconomic characteristics of farmers in rural Yogyakarta were considered as the influenced factors on ICTs usage either for daily live activities or farming activities. Research method of the study was descriptive method which has been conducted by mixed method. In general, farmers have been using electronic media such as television, radio and hand phone with function for entertaining, education and getting new information. Information gathered from ICTs includes social, cultural, economic, health and environmental issues. The use of internet via hand phone has newly started to be utilized among farmers in coastal-marginal farming area who intensively engaged in horticulture crops cultivation mainly for getting and exchange the market information. Information on agriculture which accessed by farmers was still dominated by technological innovation of production aspects. read more