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hildren are often denied to be participated in their community. Their voices are often ignored by adults. However, in Tulungagung, there is one organization that challenges children to participate and contribute aspirations and their positive energy. The organization called Dewan Perwakilan Anak (DPA) or Children Representative Council. In such organizations, the members try to socialize on children’s rights, anti-violence acts against children, effort to create child-friendly schools, social services to some remote areas. They also have some agenda called ?kumpul bocah? which produce kind of recommendations that could be proposed to government, parents, teachers, and society. Children’s participation in the DPA could then become the media in supporting children?s aspiration. DPA?s members with their activities are able to empower children community in Tulungagung and effort to fulfill rights that should received by children. The empowerment also experienced by young activists of DPA. They tend to have more courage in expressing their own willingness and hope to their parents. They also own some skills they learn from the organization. Finally, those young activists are having some social awareness and consciousness toward the issue of children welfare and rights. read more

Marginalization’s Discourse against Women on News of Tempo.co Website: Study Case of Bribing Beef Import Ahmad Fathanah’s Case


he women whom are said in bribing beef import Ahmad Fathanah?s case getting off marginalization process on news of Tempo.co website. Shaping of marginalization had suffered such as passively positioning because of the women always ?be hit? than ?hitting? by something else. News of Tempo.co website also using the zero subject concepts refers to Ahmad Fathanah, with not mention his name in this case. It means Ahmad Fathanah was a good man, and the women are still in contravention of bribing beef import case. Using words and phrases which means connotation tendency like constriction in meaning (pejorative) process and euphemism indication. This paper also finds stereotyping of women, irrational and emotional discourses, and subordination shaping against women. The women, according on Tempo.co news and this case, cannot speak about their life and their selves, like their bodies. They need somebody (read; Tempo.co) to explain what their needs and their want to. Women?s life and women?s body are not their own, but its public own. News of Tempo.co website as if has ?authority? to re-define great women or not when they appear (wearing, make-up, sparkling or not, etc) on the public. This research used qualitativeinterpretation methodology by using critical discourse analysis approach. Mode of analysis which used is Sara Mills?s perspective, discourse and gender. Critical discourse analysis was used to interpret and elaborate marginalization?s discourses against women on news of Tempo.co website within bribing beef import Ahmad Fathanah?s case. read more

Education and identity formation in migrant workers children living in Indonesia’s nation borders: Some descriptive notes


This is my additional findings of the study on the education of migrant workers children living in Nunukan municipal, East Kalimantan. Despite the access of education is somewhat difficult, the problem emerge concerning with the identity formation of the children. It is arises since many of that children are born and spent their pre-school years in the neighbor country, Malaysia. But soon after they reach 7 years old their parents sent them to attend to the elementary school in Indonesia as part of the two governments agreements. Many of the children experience identity confusion, whether they are an Indonesian or Malaysian. This circumstance is understandable, for the reason that the lacks of socialization from their parents about Indonesia, they consider that nationalism does not reflect in their day-to-day living. This finding suggests that identity formation and nationalism is seemingly not manifest in the life of the children. And it is probably also part of the consequences due to most of the children already experienced classroom education with Malaysian curriculum. This findings strengthened by their familiarity about the socioeconomic situation in the plantation, and the language used in their social interaction. This situation unfortunately for some reason to the respect of a country is regretful. It may also conclude that the absence of nationalism curriculum in education imposing relevant factor in the deconstruction of nationality senses. This article would describe the identity formation amongst elementary students and would be analyzed with social identity theory (Tajfel & Turner, 1979) and social construction as suggest by Berger & Luckmann (1966). read more

Performing Qasidah, Transforming Nation


The objective of this paper is to examine the gender implication of Islamic arts (qasidah) in Indonesia that developed in the 1970s as a movement supporting Islamic music, and benefited from a kind of patron-client relationship with the New Order (1965-98). Its goal was (and to some extent, still is) to present government programs so that they were in accordance with the norms and values of Islam. Today the activists are mostly composed of women, but from the 1970s until the early 80s men dominated this movement. In the mainstream performance of Islamic music there is a clear differentiation between male and female, both in physical terms and also in the lyrics considered appropriate. However, the flexibility of these conventions in Lasqi illuminates the nuances of moderate Islam in Indonesia by showing how performances of the same musical genre can reflect different cultural contexts. In considering qasidah?s history and development, this research attempts to answer the following questions: How does the gender content of qasidah relate to Islamic attitudes towards the performing arts? How are women represented in qasidah performance? How does the audience respond to gender relations as revealed in qasidah, both in performance and the lyrical texts? The material is drawn primarily from Java and Aceh, and is based on field research, visual recordings and interviews with several figures who have long been involved in qasidah as leaders, trainers, or performers. read more



Makalah ini merupakan analisis kesusastraan terhadap kumpulan cerpen Gambang Jakarte karya Firman Muntaco dengan menggunakan pendekatan sosiologi sastra. Penelitian ini berangkat dari pertanyaan, bagaimana perbedaan ditampilkan dalam kumpulan cerpen Gambang Jakarte karya Firman Muntaco dan bagaimana paradigma pengarang?sebagai penulis Betawi?dalam memandang perbedaan tersebut. Argumen utama makalah ini adalah bahwa pertama, pengarang secara sadar menempatkan tokoh-tokoh dengan identitas yang bervariasi dalam setiap cerpennya sebagai manifestasi pandangannya bahwa kelompok atau etnis yang satu bukan orang asing apalagi musuh bagi kelompok yang lain; kedua, kelompok-kelompok yang berbeda dalam kumcer ini ditampilkan hidup harmonis, toleran, bahkan saling melengkapi; ketiga corak masyarakat dalam karya ini adalah masyarakat yang plural, tokoh-tokoh dengan identitas yang berbeda tetap menjadi dirinya sendiri dan saling berbaur; ketiga, pengarang menggunakan humor sebagai strategi untuk mengeritik semua kalangan. read more



Multikultural merupakan satu paradigma yang cukup mendapatkan concern yang lebih akhir-akhir ini, dikarenakan di dalamnya sarat nilai-nilai yang relatif menjanjikan dan memberi peluang besar bagi hadir, tumbuh, dan berkembanganya konstruksi peradaban yang dijiwai oleh spirit penghargaan atas perbedaan. Namun, terminologi perbedaan yang sebenarnya lebih merupakan satu realitas keniscayaan yang nyaris absolut, kenyataannya justru menjadi domain terdepan pemicu sekian deret problem serius dalam kebudayaan, di era kekinian, terutama ketika terdapat salah pemahaman atas teks perbedaan itu sendiri, yang bukan dimaknai sebagai berkah, namun lebih ditempatkan sebagai ancaman bagi terminologi keharmonisan dan kebersamaan, sebagaimana yang menjadi kutukan dalam filsafat Modernisme. Dalam konteks modernitas inilah, ruang keniscayaan partikularitas menjadi kian tersempitkan bahkan kerap ternegasikan secara anarkhis. Dalam konteks kultur keindonesiaan, multukulturalisme telah mempunyai akar historis yang amat panjang, sejalan dengan realitas absolut negeri ini yang historisitasnya memang juga dikonstruksi dengan kompleksitas yang plural, baik dari sisi etnis, budaya, bahasa, seni, keyakinan, dan sederet pilar lainnya. Hal ini semakin meneguhkukuhkan, betapa multikulturalisme merupakan satu teks yang eksistensinya layak untuk terus disemaikan dalam setiap kerja kebudayaan, kapan pun, serta dalam konteks apa pun, termasuk dalam hal ini adalah dalam disiplin Seni Rupa. Disiplin Seni Rupa, yang memang basis paradigmaya banyak berkutat dalam ordinat domain estetika, eksistensi multikulturalisme bahkan telah menjadi salah satu keniscayaan roh vital-absolut, yang terkonsepsikan dalam prinsip uniqueness atau keberbedaan, sebagai jangkar aras kesadarannya, kini juga menjadi realitas yang quo-vadis. Indikatornya dapat dilihat dari kenyataan yang menunjukkan, betapa warna historis dan historiografi Seni Rupa Indonesia selama ini sarat dengan dimensi uniformitas, hingga kerap menegasikan partikularitas. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, kajian ini dipretensikan hendak mencoba melakukan pencermatan atas realitas quo-vadis dalam disiplin Seni Rupa sebagaimana dimaksud, beserta penggagasan kemungkinan outlet alternatifstrategis akan paradigma multikultural pada disiplin ini yang bisa diupayakan di masa mendatang. read more

Fighter/Victim: Problem of Double Identity in the Struggle for Justice and Human Rights


Does the problem of double identity disqualify the former fighters as an agent of struggles for justice? By ?problem of double identity,? I mean the problem of martyrdom, a tendency to underline the heroic nature of victims who had had ?fighter? backgrounds before, and the second problem, problem of innocence, sympathies attracted to families of victims and innocent civilians. The problem might put those who became victims as a consequence of their political activities in a disadvantaged position compared to victims who have no such backgrounds. With the case of activist kidnappings in 1997-1998, I maintain that such an assumption can be actually reversed. The role of ?fighter/victims? was crucial in public testimonies (1998) and development of victims? movements for transitional justice and human rights advocacy, precisely because of their double identity. Further examination of the process how they could successfully fashion the new identity as survivor/activists with the help of the universal frame of human rights may shed a new light on the studies of political victimhood. read more



Indonesia faces new challenges related to multiculturalism. It means that government as the main control should be able to hold the unity of Indonesian people who have different idea in many aspects of life. However, government needs people?s support to develop this country. This reflects that people from various tribes with their tradition, norm, and value need a strategy as a tool of unity, especially to develop people nationalim. Nationalism itself can be increased whenever people are aware of their position through which they respect each other on terms of uniqueness of their tribe and commonalities. Nowadays, nationalism has been introduced to people since they were in school through Civic subject. Yet, this is not a guarantee that people behave good attitudes and personalities. The fact is that people find their identity from their surroundings. Civics does not give much interference on the growing of it. Besides, many racial conflicts have occured in many areas during Indonesian?s independence. These were mainly caused by a confrontation between people with different idea and different tribe. For instance, transmigration program increase the migration of people from Java to Kalimantan or Sumatera. It seemed that Javanese have taken Dayakese earth. If all people have known the positive perspective of this program, it must not be one of the causes of conflict. Therefore, the actual condition of Indonesia with multiethnics, multiracials, and multicultures can be developed as a main sources for Indonesian growth. Communication is highly needed to support this effort. Dealing with this need, people in different areas have to know and to be familiar with some inventions on high technology and its revolution and innovation in all fields. Thus, different ideas or perspective on government programs, for example, can be communicated and socialized through such technology. Science, knowledge and technology are combined to be a basic of people?s thought to improve their positive perspective of multiculturalism in Indonesia. Finally, Bhineka Tunggal Ika keeps on Indonesian?s spirit as a motive of the unity of various culture in Indonesia. read more

Political Parties and Religious Local Ordinances in Post-Suharto Indonesia: A Historical and Genealogical Perspective


This study will focus on the relationship between political parties and the rise of religious local ordinances (Perda Syariah in Indonesian) in Post-Suharto Indonesia. It aspires to answer the big question of why political parties, regardless of their different ideological outlooks, support religious local ordinances at local level. In order to answer that question, this research will analyze various political processes related to the implementation of religious local ordinances, including coalition pattern, influence from pressure groups, rising Islamic fundamentalism, and political-economic benefits from supporting such legislation as well as different political realities between elite and public perspectives and local and national leadership of political parties. read more

Self-Narratives, Postcoloniality, and Negotiation of Neoliberalism in Indonesian Films in the 2000s


This article deals with self-narratives, postcoloniality, and negotiation of neoliberalism as ideology in Indonesian films in the 2000s, particularly in some teen and children films. In this era, filmic self-narratives become more individual in which filmic characters get freedom in expressing desires, individual-skillful struggles, and self-identities. Such narratives represent a detaching and deconstructing process from local and national bounds, as represented in filmic narratives under the New Order regime. By exploring cultural ambivalences as the dominant condition of postcoloniality, the films still articulate some traditional/local values in filmic world structure, but rather than empower their roles, their appearances tend to support self-narratives of teenagers and children who want to get more freedom in modern life. From cultural studies, postcolonial studies, and political economy perspective, self-narratives of teenagers and children that seek freedom from traditional bounds, for celebrating individualism, and for creating skillful self as the ways to reach great achievements, represent discursive negotiation of neoliberalism as ideal orientation for postcolonial Indonesian. Those narratives do not explore neoliberalism as a free market system transparently, but as individuals-capacity ideology that will make them successful in social, economy, and cultural competitiveness. read more