Tourism Politics and Local Wisdom: Revitalizing the Art of Jemblung in the Cultural Tourism Development of Banyumas, Central Java


Jemblung is one of the folk arts in Banyumas reflecting the local culture of the region. It constitutes an indigenous oral tradition in the form of a traditional theater which does not exist in the other regions. As the rampant globalization grows, however, Jemblung is almost extinct. This study aims at: 1) identifying, understanding and explaining the causes of the extinction process of Jemblung as the manifestation of local wisdom in Banyumas, 2) understanding and describing the efforts done by the local governments, business groups and local communities to revitalize the arts of Jemblung in the development of cultural tourism in Banyumas and 3) understanding and explaining the contextual factors that hinder and support the revitalization efforts. By using a qualitative method through a case study approach, the results of this research indicates that the extinction process of the Jemblung art as the manifestation of local wisdom in Banyumas caused by the absence of relevant actors such as the local government through the Office of Youth Sport Culture and Tourism as well as the Regional Board of Art, the commercial enterprises and the local people. Those actors are not able to run the comprehensive efforts and synergy of revitalization among themselves. The revitalization efforts to preserve the art of Jemblung undertaken so far are just sporadic and reactive. It is caused by several factors, i.e.: 1) having weak commitment from the local government; 2) having weak support from the commercial enterprises and the local people; 3) having lack of interest from the tourists. However, there is still a hope that becomes a supporting factor to revitalize the Jemblung art of Banyumas, i.e.: the spirit of love from the cultural actors and cultural apparatus. This is because they believe that the art of Jemblung is one of the local heritages as well as an important asset of cultural tourism in Banyumas.

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