The management of teak forests in Java at the period of Netherlands-colonial government period was ups and downs, even the large of the area were not known for certain until the end when the General Governor Daendels (1804) stipulated that all the teak forests in Java will become government property. In 1808 Daendels appointed some officials to manage teak forests in Java. In 1865, Daendels issued regulations based on the first of eternity, while in 1874, it was issued regulations governing the second division of unity into the woods, and since then started to know a rough forest. Daendels policy made during his reign in the Netherlands East Indies by doing reforestation and establishing regulations that limit the exploitation of natural teak forests in Java, is seen as the beginning of the forest management activities that use the techniques of forestry science and modern institutions in Indonesia, especially after Daendels form Dienst van het Boschwezen (Department of Forestry) was given authority to manage forests in Java. In the case of Mangkunegaran forest, there are indications that the forest damage occurred as it is concerned with the spirit of Mangkunegara IV to unearth indigenous spirit of capitalism through the establishment of factories and exploit the forests either as raw material or fuel. Java forest destruction could get serious attention between the years 1928-1937. But once again there was never a serious effort to increase the area of forest land saved, and the increase of population has always blamed as the cause of failure. Although the time span is not long, however, different policies generated at the time shows that there is a government commitment to save the forests. The official authority had commitment to control the use of forests; to balance the process of production, conservation, and protecting forest on the one side; and respond to the needs of local communities on the other side. The commitment is now back to being a crucial issue for further action.
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