One of the Academic Community Programs of Graduate School Universitas Gadjah Mada is The International Graduate Students and Scholars' Conference in Indonesia (IGSCI). The conference is an annual forum for academicians, researchers and practitioners to exchange knowledge and information in the broad area socio-cultural, religious, science and technology. The event has a pivotal role in improving research linkages in this region.

This  conference  invites graduate students and scholars who are doing research or interested in Indonesian issues to present their paper. The presenters from different disciplines of knowledge related to the subthemes are allowed to participate.

Graduate School of Universitas Gadjah Mada has been carrying out this conference for 10 years. Here are the themes of IGSCI from 2009 – 2018:



(Re) Considering Contemporary Indonesia: Striving for Democracy, Sustainability, and Prosperity, A Multidisciplinary Perspective



Indonesia and the New Challenges: Multiculturalism, Identity and Self Naration



Indonesian Urban Cultures dan Society



Indigeneous Communities and the Project of Modernity



The MDGs to 2015 and Beyond: Successess and Challenges in Developing Localized Strategies and Self Reliance



Science, Spirituality, and Local Wisdom: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Current Global Issues



Knowledge, Power, and Politics: Where is Humanity Heading To



Konwledge, Art and Change in Response to Human Crisis



Sustaining The Planet: A Call for Interdisciplinary Approaches and Engagement



New Media and the Changing Social Landscape of Contemporary Societies: How are new media reshaping the whole aspects of life of contemporary societies? 

All articles submitted to proceeding must comply with the proceeding requirements (see author guidelines) for reviews. They are independently reviewed with double blind review process. in publishing , Prooceding IGSCI strongly against any case of plagiarism on its own merits. Prooceeding IGSCI commits to deterring plagiarism, including self-plagiarism.

The author should ensure that they have writing entirely original works and if the author have used the work and/or words of others that this has been appropriately cited or quated. Paper found with such problem are automatically rejected and authors are so advised. Also, significant part of the work have not been published. The author also respects entirely Author Guideline of Prooceeding IGSCI regarding to the redundant, duplicate or fraudulent publication.

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