The social transformation of Sedulur Sikep farmers in Sukolilo subdistrict of Pati district became very interesting topic to study, especially the impact of agriculture modernization of irrigated rice field of Sedulur Sikep farmers in achieving local wisdom-based food security as local genius. The study aimed at analyzing the social transformation of post harvesting agricultural technology from indigenous technology into new technology, describing the implementation of irrigated rice field technology applied by the Sedulur Sikep farmers based on local wisdom and the significant correlation between the new technology and the production, the income and the food security of the farmers. The quantitative data of the study was analyzed using McNemar Test, point biserial correlation test, Pearson correlation test and Spearman correlation test supported by qualitative data analysis with ethnographic method. The results of the study showed that the McNemar Test described the social transformation in agriculture, especially in seedling, soil processing, irrigation, fertilization and crop disease control from the indigenous ones into the new ones. The point biserial correlation test was used to analyze the correlation between the implementation of Panca Usaha Tani technology, including soil processing, fertilization and crop disease control, and food production and the conclusion of the analysis was significantly different. The Pearson correlation test was used to analyze the correlation between food crops and the income of the Sedulur Sikep farmers and the correlation was 72.80% that fell in the category significantly correlated and different. The Spearman correlation test was used to analyze the correlation between the income and the food security, including availability, distribution and consumption and the conclusion was that they were significantly different. The local wisdom of the Sedulur Sikep farmers was still used in seed selection, harvesting yield sharing as irrigation wage, mutual assistance among irrigation board, farmer meeting (rembugan) and mouse eradication with gropyokan method using dogs.
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