Paper Guideline


  1. Article does not contain any elements of plagiarism.
  2. Article can be a result of the research (field, literature), studies, conceptual and theoretical applications, or case reports.
  3. Typed in Times New Roman font size 12, 1.5 line spacing on A4 size paper with a side of 3.5 cm from the left edge, 3 cm from the right edge, 3 cm from the top and bottom edges. Number of pages is 12-20 pages including references and tables. The article sent in Microsoft Word/ Rich Text format.
  4. Title, abstract, and key words are written in English.
  5. Articles are written in English based on essay format.
  6. The article is arranged in the following order:

(a) title: comprehensive, clear and concise. Title of article, title of piece, and subsections in bold. The title is typed in capital letters size 14. Section and subsection titles typed in title case.

(b) the name and address of author: the full name is written without any academic title. If the author is more than one, the full name of all authors should be included. Address written under the author's name along with complete address with telephone number and email address that can be contacted.

(c) abstract: the abstract contains 200-300 words, written in a single paragraph, and is written in English.

(d) Key words: listed under abstract with maximum of five words. Key words should reflect the important concepts that exist in the text.

(e) Introduction/acknowledgment (without subtitle and section) contains: background, problem/purpose, literature review.

(f) theoretical framework/literature review.

(g) materials and methods.

(h) the results and discussion: clearly present and discuss the subject with reference to the purpose of writing.

(i) images, tables, and formulas: images, tables and formulas are given titles, number, and full description and cited in the text. Tables or images that are too long (more than 1 page) should be avoided. Referral or quoting images, tables and formulas by using numbering, not with words like "below ", or "the following.

(j) graph or curve: graph or curve that indicates the difference in meaning is made in the form of a line thick/thin/dotted, please avoid using colors as a distinguishing.

(k) conclusion

(l) bibliography/reference list

  1. References are sorted alphabetically and written using APA style.