Pesantren is an Islamic traditional educational institutions in Indonesia which has a very old age. But as the development of the modern education system in the form of public schools ranging from elementary, middle, high, up to university, it makes the role of pesantren are being abandoned and reduced. Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) is an Islamic organization in Indonesia which has many pesantren throughout Indonesia. NU realize that Pesantren become less popular than the public schools. In 2014, NU launched the “Ayo Mondok” movement, a movement to arouse the interest of society to study at pesantren. The crucial turning point was when in 2015, NU held a conference and promoting the idea of “Islam Nusantara”. Various movements to promote Islam with Indonesian special character became the primary mission of NU, including education according to Islam Nusantara. While the latest news, since the current goverment had a strong relationship with NU, in May 2016 the Ministry of Religion legitimates 13 Ma’had Aly in Indonesia to be equivalent with undergraduate program at university. Meaning, Ma’had Aly graduates will have a degree (S.Ag / Sarjana Agama / Bachelor of Religion), equal with an undergraduate degree in particular Islamic universities. The questions will be adressed are; (1) How does the changes that have been made by Pesantren that have Ma’had Aly which was legitimated by the state? (2) How does the endurance and strategy of Pesantren that have Ma’had Aly, but did not participate in Ma’had Aly which are legitimated by the state? (3) How does the relationship between the state and pesantren after the Ministry of Religion legitimation? This study will examine Pesantren that have legitimated Ma?had Aly and compared with Pesantren that have illegitimate Ma?had Aly. The research will be conducted qualitatively through observation, interviews, and supported by the literature related to the discourse. The results of this study supposed to be a guide of future direction of Islamic education and state relations.
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