Information and Complaint Service Unit (UPIK) as the Implementation of Good Governance in Yogyakarta City and its Relation to National Resilience 30 October 2013
Public Perception of the Cave Tour Extension Object Pindul, Bejiaharjo Village, Karangmojo District, Gunungkidul Regency 30 October 2013
Expression of prM/ E Protein of Dengue Virus Serotype 3 in E. Coli as a Sub Unit Recombinant Vaccine Candidate 30 October 2013
The Threat and Challeng of Social Capital and Primary Resources Utilization Toward Integrated Frontier Area Management in Indonesia 30 October 2013
The Fulfillment of the Need for the Right of Formal Education to Children in Conflict with the Law as Efforts to Realize the Prosper City for Children in Surakarta 30 October 2013
Comparative Study of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) Achievement in Various Regional Economic Typologies in Indonesia 30 October 2013
Introducing Sensitive Issues in ELT Classes of Secondary Schools in Time of Responsible Society 30 October 2013
The Illumination on Literary Manuscript of the Palace Product: THE POWER SYMBOLS OF THE PALACE 30 October 2013