The Ethics of Open-Impartiality: An Attempt to Uproot The Culture of Corruption in Post-Colonial Era 19 November 2014
The Dialectics of Scientific and Local Knowledge in Response Farming to Climate Change: The Case of “Science Field Shops” among Rice Farmers in Indramayu 19 November 2014
Science, Spirituality and Local Wisdom Interdisciplinary Approaches to Current Global Issues: Wars, Terrorism and Intolerance 19 November 2014
Lahar at Kali Konto after the 2014 Eruption of Kelud Volcano, East Java: Impacts and Risk 19 November 2014
Inter-Subjective Cosmology: Local Wisdom On Environment (A Study Of Manuk Gantung Ritual Of Toba People, Sumatera) 19 November 2014
Raso Pareso: Social Ethics, Social Exchange and Politics in Inter-Ethnic Relationship In Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia 19 November 2014
The Study of Environmentaldamage of Agricultural Cropscaused by The Activity Ofdolomite Processing Industry in Pancengsubdistrict Gresikdistrict 19 November 2014