Study about The Impact of Climate Change Using Hadcm3 Climate Change Scenario and The Ipcc A2 And B2 Emission Scenario Against The Amount of Daily And Monthly Rain At Progo Hulu Watershed 19 November 2014
Microfinance Institutions Communications: “Tabur Puja” Scheme at Posdaya Tunas Bangsa, East Bekasi for Poverty Eradication 19 November 2014
Ethnic Conflict Theory, Religiosity, and Cultural Bond: Approach to Resolve Religious Intolerance in Ambon 19 November 2014
Citizenship and Other Great Postcolonial Ideas How Local Struggles Have Produced both Inclusive and Exclusive Outcomes 19 November 2014
CONSEPSUAL SITE DESIGN LANDSCAPE MARINE TOURISM DISASTER RESPONSE (Study on the Marine National Park Zone Takabonerate, Selayar Regency, South Sulawesi) 19 November 2014