
2nd IGSSCI Proceedings



In Indonesia, a sexual activity that has not been legitimized by the state is one of the realities that are constructed by the language of “masculine-heterosexual”. Which in that context is an absolute discourse defines in the hands of the state. The construction is also valid in defining the reality of ?porn? video made by some people that?s look alike with ?Ariel-Luna Maya-Cut Tari?, which is mainly carried out by the mass media. This paper is about to dismantle more about the use of “masculine-heterosexual” language by the Indonesian mass media discourse in defining and putting illegitimate sexual activity in the landscape of the nation’s sexuality discourse in Indonesia. To map that discourse, I use several tabloids that frames the case of celebrity porn videos that could suppress the euphoria of World Cup 2010, in Indonesia. I?m using four tabloids to dismantle the constellation discourse of the nation’s children illegitimate sexual activity that?s taking place in Indonesia. Represented by the discussion of celebrity (as part of the youth of the nation), porn video cases. The election of tabloids as the object of observation is not without implications, given the tabloid is a media that basically has lower-class segmentation, first indicator is the price that is in the range of 6000-7000 IDR and basic materials using newspaper, not glossy paper. As we all know, until now that class has a significant amount of class stratification in Indonesia. Thus, the basic assumptions used for this paper is that according to these class, the issue of illegitimate sexual activity has a high degree of urgency to be discussed. Considering they became a major issue in all tabloids that was circulated at that time. Four tabloids that I use is, Tabloid Nova No. 1165/XXIII 21 to 27 June 2010, the tabloid Star Edition 997 Year XX Third Sunday in June 2010, Tabloid Wanita Indinesia No. 1069 21 to 27 June 2010, and the last is Genie Tabloid Edition 50 Years to VI, 21 to 27 June 2010. The case of illegitimate sexual activity involving children of the nation, especially in the context of this research is a celebrity, actually not the first in Indonesia. However, that cause sticking up in the top of discourse are the erpetrators who were located at the peak of popularity. As expressed by O’Guinn (2003), “Society of the 21st century is all about celebrity.” Moreover, the Indonesian people are fed seasoned celebrity impressions each day with an intensity that can not be categorized as small, to consider the life of celebrity become a staple food that is not be missed. Apart from infotainment shows on television, one of the anguard of the mass media that make celebrity as basic material is tabloid. Becomes interesting when a tabloid article presenting subtle articulation on the of discourse nation’s child illegitimate sexual acitivity. Based on the discussion in this paper, I can conclude that the discourse of nation’s child illegitimate sexual activity which is documented, is still a problematic matter for tabloid in Indonesia. Using the perspective of critical multiculturalism, Indonesia ?s tabloids is still in the favorable position of ideological hegemony of dominant discourse following the heteronormative discourse. Defining the phenomenon was taken from the perspective of nation that put the discourse of sexuality in the periphery of nation identity. So the discourse of nation?s child?s illegitimate sexual activity served as indicators of nation morality at once, a disgrace which must be repressed by public law because causing ?damage? to nation?s morality. read more



Menurut Raymond Williams amat sulit menemukan definisi multikulturalisme. Selain menunjuk kepada kemajemukan budaya, multikulturalisme juga mengacu kepada sikap khas terhadap kemajemukan budaya tersebut. Dari berbagai pemahaman mengenai multikulturalisme, hal penting yang seharusnya disadari adalah kenyataan bahwa kita terdiri atas beragam suku bangsa, etnis dan kelompok kemasyarakatan yang beragam. Keberagaman itu selayaknya menjadi pemersatu, dan bukan pemicu perpecahan. Begitu kayanya bangsa kita dengan suku, adat-istiadat, budaya, bahasa, dan khasanah yang lain ini, apakah benar-benar menjadi sebuah kekuatan bangsa ataukah justru berbalik menjadi faktor pemicu timbulnya disintegrasi bangsa. Seperti apa yang telah diramalkan Huntington, keanekaragaman di Indonesia ini harus kita waspadai. Karena telah banyak kejadian-kejadian yang menyulut kepada perpecahan, yang disebabkan adanya paham sempit tentang keunggulan sebuah suku tertentu,seperti konflik Ambon, Poso, Sampit. Konflik sosial dalam masyarakat adalah proses interaksi alamiah, karena masyarakat tidak selamanya bebas konflik. Persoalannya menjadi lain jika konflik sosial yang berkembang dalam masyarakat tidak lagi menjadi sesuatu yang positif, tetapi berubah menjadi destruktif bahkan anarkis. Perkembangan terakhir menunjukkan pada kita, sejumlah konflik sosial dalam masyarakat telah berubah menjadi destruktif bahkan cenderung anarkhis. Kasus Ambon, Poso, Maluku, GAM di Aceh, dan berbagai kasus yang menyulut kepada konflik yang lebih besar dan berbahaya. Konflik sosial berbau SARA (agama) ini tidak dianggap remeh dan harus segera diatasi secara memadai dan proporsional agar tidak menciptakan disintergrasi nasional. Banyak hal yang patut direnungkan dan dicermati dengan fenomena konflik sosial tersebut. Apakah fenomena konflik sosial ini merupakan peristiwa yang bersifat insidental dengan motif tertentu dan kepentingan sesaat, ataukah justru merupakan budaya dalam masyarakat yang bersifat laten. Hal ini juga menunjukkan kepada kita bahwa masih ada problem mendasar yang belum terselesaikan. Menyangkut penghayatan kita terhadap agama sebagai kumpulan doktrin di satu pihak dan sikap keagamaan yang mewujud dalam prilaku kebudayaan di pihak lain. Salah satu factor penting dalam menciptakan suasana yang mencerminkan multikulturalisme adalah kesadaran akan komunikasi lintas budaya dalam tataran konseptual dan praksis. Komunikasi lintas budaya merupakan bidang kajian komunikasi yang menekankan pada perbandingan pola-pola komunikasi antar pribadi di antara peserta komunikasi yang berbeda kebudayaan. Kebutuhan untuk mempelajari Komunikasi Lintas Budaya ini semakin terasakan karena semakin terbukanya pergaulan kita dengan orang-orang dari berbagai budaya yang berbeda, disamping kondisi bangsa Indonesia yang sangat majemuk dengan berbagai ras, suku bangsa, agama, latar belakang daerah (desa/kota), latar belakang pendidikan, dan sebagainya. read more



There are Tionghoa etnics in Indonesia are showed pluralism and multicultural phenomena. They are minority between pluralism etnics. In 1961, more than 2,45 million Tionghoa etnics or 2,5 percent from total population Indonesia in this time (Coppel,1983). In other hand, Tionghoa etnics have reins more than 70-80 percent economy sectors. As imigrant nation, there is integration indigen and Tionghoa is need a long time because culture, social and self interest of nation are different. Hasya Bactiar say, that difficulty integration process is not they don?t need, but there is push away from several interest. Whereas, solidarity can improved if they come have unity from the others. The disagreement, is not separation from many policy to them from Colonialism until New Orde is double. In cultural and politic sector, they have limited. In the other hand, they have previledge in economy sector. The policy inclened sensitif and acomodatif to them is pasca reformasi, with UU Kewarganegaraan and legitimacy to cultur Tionghoa Etnics, like Barngsai and Imlek. The legitimacy from government is very important and have influence with nasionalism. Tionghoa etnics nasionalism is different from indigen. We have different about color line and cultural, so the nasionalism form is different too. The possesion of Indonesia in foreign with variants activity is part of their nationalism. Indonesian society is very plural, so not uniform in many things, like nasionalism action. Because of that, there is no problem we have many variant nasionalism. Not only in package but also in action. read more



Wiji Thukul was a poet as well as a People?s Democratic Party (PRD) leader . His poems considered representing working class and other marginalised groups. His opposition to the New Order regyme has led him to be a victim of force disappearance. In the collective memory of activists and intellectuals in Indonesia today, he remembered as a radical activist as well as a human rights heroic icon. This study is about a process of rebranding Wiji Thukul as he moved from being a marginalized poet and radical activist change to heroic icon after reformasi. I argued, his image nowadays reconstructed and reproduced by his family, friends, activists, and media through commemorations related to the important historical days. He became the most important symbolic against dictatorship not only because of his role in prodemocration movement during the New Order, but because of his ability to capture the imagination of people, especially activists and intellectuals after reformasi. read more

Tinjauan Kognisi Desain Produk Kemasan Sebagai Identitas Budaya Populer atas Produk Kemasan IKM (Industri Kecil Menengah)


Packaging is currently understood as a medium of ‘communications’ between producers and consumers. Often also referred to as “the silent sales-man/girl” because it represents the absence of waiters in showing the quality of the product. For that package should be able to convey a message through informative communication, as well as communication between buyer and seller. In fact, marketing experts refer to as the charm of product packaging design (the product charm), because the packaging is located at the end of a production line process that is not only to draw the eye (eye-cathing) but also to entice usage (usage attractiveness). However, packaging design problem does not stop here but there is a message (sign) contained in the packaging. Location of the message embodied in symbolic expression, not only in visual form (text, images, logos, colors and other graphical aspect) but the shape, material, until the packaging functions also become a symbol of the cultural development of packaging design itself. This will indirectly affect the consumption potential of the product (purchase). This paper is the result of research that tries to describe, understand, observe, and prove the phenomena that occur in the design of packaging products which have a relationship between consuming (consumers) with the product packaging itself (object). Another interesting thing is the object of packaging design is observed by the researchers are packaging products produced by manufacturers of medium scale industries (IKM). The position of IKM much interesting to study, because at this level of production-consumption process has a value of unique compared with the packaging produced by manufacturing scale that in fact became the ruler (read: capitalist) over consumer products for packaging. On the other hand, the consumer-packaging interaction (human-product) will also cause other things happen-such as on product quality, product image, product usage, perception, to the question that led to the socio-cultural aspects, or in other words the same perception that the response well as cognitive responses. Where the object of design (design of packaging products) will be aesthetically impressions, semantic interpretations, and symbolic associations. These relationships form the group consuming the media packaging products. Through research-based applied behavioral research in the context of cognition research, especially on the measured perceptions of product packaging design is expected to systemically based observations will try to reveal how the media in the form of packaged snack food product by the audience responded in cultural discourse at the same time consumption can be synchronized with popular culture in product packaging. Who would know how the symbolic expression of cultural identity at the level of packaging design IKM in the realm of production-consumption today. read more

Regional Autonomy; Proliferation of the Region, and Pseudo Local Government in Indonesia


The real impact of the implementation of decentralization policies in Indonesia is the spirit formation of a new area called the regional proliferation that is very prevalent throughout Indonesia. On one side, proliferation policy as part of the autonomous region itself is expected to be able to overcome the coordination control range is very long and local government closer to the community in improving public services and local development interests. But, on the other hand, proliferation policy has spawned varieties of inequality is in fact greatly impede the ideal of autonomy itself. As known, the proliferation policy has spawned hundreds of new areas throughout Indonesia. Of course, these areas have the same status and rights with autonomous regions other such broad authority to manage his household affairs including the directly election of regional head. The pros and cons of proliferation policies occur throughout the country go side by side the various negative impacts of the implementation of this policy, look at the riots that occurred in different areas are caused from seizing regional boundaries, seizing of local assets, even caused riots between pro and contra with the establishment of a new area. Apparently Government Act No. 78 year 2007 to regulate the division of territory is still not yet given a clear referral system. This paper discusses the other side of the potential negative effects, even the failure of the implementation of the decentralization policy in Indonesia. According to Fitriani (2005) and Tanje (2007) that one cause of the demands to establish a new area is rent seeking, where local elites and local politicians try to regain power through the formation of new regions. This condition cannot be denied that almost occurred in all regions. But one thing is overlooked by scholars that are the existence of a local businessman who also played in the formation of new regions. Their presence did not look so real compared to the presence of local elites and party elites, because they take a role behind the scenes as lenders, the group was later referred to as the “Black Market”. The existence of black market in the regional area is always needed by local elites and political elites as one force to regain power. And such a practice would continue and even be more developed role as a legislative elections or direct election of regional head executed. Generally, local leaders or local politicians who get back his powers are sustained by the presence of many black markets. This condition then which formed a cartel of power among the regional head, the political elite and businessman that will eventually lead to ?Pseudo Democratic Government? in the local government, because the deviation of power through political barter and business interests. read more

Multicultural in Early Childhood Education


In early childhood multicultural education should be taught through learning how to accommodate all dimensions of the characteristics of early childhood through proper selection of themes, multi-method integration, develop programs tailored to the practice of child development, humanistic approach to learning using the plan prepared in units of daily activities , on the implementation multi-cultural education in early childhood through environmental arrangement that utilizes a variety of media and learning cultural resources, creating a multi-cultural learning atmosphere fairly, naturally, the need for culturally diverse schools that promote multicultural education effectively. read more

Wacana Kekerasan dan Resistensi Perempuan dalam Film Karya Sutradara Perempuan


After the new order, the freedom of expression, especially for film makers, gain a free space and broader opportunity. When the new order era, government use a repressive control on the film maker expressive process, then in the reform era, film maker get their open room to produce their masterpiece. Films with rendering mainstream theme, such as Gie, Marsinah, Pasir Berbisik, Berbagi Suami, Arisan, Jamila dan Sang Presiden, Mereka Bilang Saya Monyet and also a couple of other film with prohibited substance, are much produced these years. Eventhough it was only in small quantity but enough to describe the presence in better freedom of expression for film maker. However, films with mainstream theme still dominating. It includes teen drama, comedy, horror, and children movies. Especially in representing women and men, as one of the example, women always were being stereotyped as weak, fragile, irrational, riddle. In the opposite side, men were being stereotyped as strong, rational and dominant. Film produced in the midst of violence theme for women, with women being portrays beyond its? mainstream is interesting to investigate. This study will examine a movie titled Mereka Bilang Saya Monyet created by women director, Djenar Mesa Ayu, this movie describes the violent and resistant on women against violence. Film by women director was chosen considering women has a different point of view in perceiving women issues. To answer the research problem, literature on theory related with reality construction by the media, media and gender, media and representation, critical discourse analysis by Norman Fairclough. Methods used in this study are critical discourse analysis by Norman Fairclough, the use of critical discourse analysis is to investigate deeper on violence discourse and women resistance, which are not only seen from the text but also from social politic context behind a produced text. The discourse of violence revealed in a movie titled Mereka Bilang Saya Monyet, based on parents? violence on female adolescents; adult men on female adolescents and this movie disclose the resistance discourse by women against violence. On the level of violence between parents and children, the dimension of violence revealed was shaped in a form of physical, psychological, and participant violence. Violence occurred when there are uneven relations between subject and object, the subject posses a dominant position and object (children) is in sub ordinate position. This violence creates certain effects, such as scare, anger, humiliate, and unworthy. Related with social reality, in the context of Indonesian culture, parents were being positioned as powerful on their children, and repressive domination was considered as common. Violence on the level of male adult to female adolescent within the dimension of physical, psychological and sexual violence, there are domination based on gender and this violence create a traumatic effects. The discourse on gender based violence is the result of patriarchy culture construction, and in reality among community, gender based violence is consider as private, occurred within domestic area, thus inappropriate to be revealed. There are still common perception among society that sexual violence based on gender if it is being revealed, will generate a social sanction from society, even in reality, the victim is the one who suffer. The resistance discourse against violence were described in a form that women, either in adolescent age or as an adult, will create a tremendous effects. It is not easy to illustrate to other people, the feeling of a women. Men domination in gender relation conveys an effect of women position is being subordinated, men posses power on women body, man are allowed to carry a relationship with many woman, while it is inappropriate for women to posses relationship with more than one men. There are inequality and unmerited gender. The discourse reveal in this film is, women should not only quiet and accepting this unjust, through the main role named Ajeng, described through how women resistant against inequality. Within this context, social reality indicates only a few women who are able to divulge such an opposition. The conclusion of this study is, the discourse of violence represented is a reflection of parents and men domination, create a pain and physiologic trauma on children until they grew up. Violence creates a complex problematic, not only on legal problem, but also social problem. From the discourse shown, it appears that film produced by female director observe women from different point of view; exist outside of the mainstream from existing film creation. The director gave space for audience to discuss issues in violence on women would not be adequate to be observed only through normative perspective, legal perspective, the relation between parents and children, the relation between men and women, but also from the perspective of women as a subject. The director takes the audience into the realm that violence on women is against human rights, humanity issues, which must be seen from the heart and not from rational, legal and social justice only. read more

Local Primordialism in Pesantren (A Case Study in Assalaam Modern Islamic Boarding School Surakarta, Central Java)


Local primordialism is an attitude of excessive regionalism with too much pride in their area so that other areas seem disparaging. Primordialism would cause conflict in social interaction. Pesantren is a subculture that multicultural because the student comes from many diverse cultures and ethnics. This diversity can be complemented one another so that it specific criteria in a boarding school life. Assalaam as one of the modern Islamic boarding school that has students from all provinces in Indonesia, each of the students have a variety of different backgrounds such as social, economic, and cultural. Assalaam is a collection of diversity. Diversity will make the boarding school as an egalitarian institution, it open to new things but do not leave the Islamic identity. In a diverse environment is potentially occurred local primordialism. The local primordialism also appears in the life at the pesantren Assalaam. Based on the characteristics of this research, it used descriptive qualitative method by using case study approach. The technique used for data collection is interview method and questionnaire. The election sempel uses purposive sampling method. Based on the research obtained, the result found varieties of friction as a result of the marked local primordialism formation of groups originating from the same area, so that often there is competition between groups. Competition between groups will be striving towards the achievement of the goals of pesantren to organize Islamic education process-oriented quality, highly competitive, and based on the Spiritual attitude, Intellectual and Moral. Nevertheless, they can maintain the harmonization ofpesantren life. They can be mutual respect, recognize, understand and learn the culture of other areas as a matter of tradition, lifestyle, language, dialect, and social status. Primordialism in pesantren will remain exist as long as the students have a different background areas but the impact will be reduced through giving an understanding about ukhuwah Islamiyah, the role of mentor, disallowing the use of local languages and common goals. read more

Anak Itu Istimewa: Disability, Feminism, and Discourses of Development in the Indonesian Film Perempuan Punya Cerita


My paper concerns Cerita Pulau. Written by Vivian Idris and directed by Fatima Tobing-Rony, Cerita Pulau is the first vignette of the four-part film Perempuan Punya Cerita. It tells the story of Sumantri, a midwife, and her friendship with Wulan, a teenage girl with autism. Living on a small island off the coast of Jakarta, each must struggle for justice, self-determination, and empathetic care in the face of Sumantri?s breast cancer and Wulan?s brutal rape. In my paper, I tease out the parallels between the plot and themes of the film and works of the sastrawangi literary movement, which emphasizes truth telling about female sexual experience and offers a phenomenological exploration of women?s sensuality as a means to empowerment. I ask how the film calls upon tropes of autism and disability to convey these feminist ideals, suggest new resistant subjectivities, and critique Indonesia?s own national ?developmental disabilities? as it negotiates policies concerning gender and access in the context of globalization. I seek to understand the role of disability in the film. In particular I explore how the representation of disability can be mobilized to express major issues of concern in contemporary transnational feminist discourse, seek out new ways of valuing and representing women?s sensuality and authority, and speak to the pressing issue of acknowledging and supporting diversity on individual and national levels. I end the paper by questioning the role of disability awareness and diversity in Indonesia and Indonesian studies today : are efforts such as autism awareness a sign of successful development ? How can contemporary Indonesian media and discourse make room for disabled subjectivities ? How might disability theory, which is an emerging and exciting field of academic study, inform the discussion of identity and self-advocacy in Indonesia today ? read more