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Masculinity Construction in Indonesia Mass Media Study on Man Magazine in Indonesia


Indonesia mass media development in reform era (1998-2010) has been experienced quantity improvement significantly. It must be admitted that in 70s until 90s, women magazines was the most exist one. In this era, magazines provided segments for men reader in the orientation of actual news, such as knowledge, politics, automotive. It was not found men?s magazines contents with metropolis lifestyle. However there was men?s magazine such as ?Matra?, which concerned more in adult men terms such as sexual orientation. In reform era, the emergence of magazines with male orientation began color the society. In other hand, there are similar phenomena between men?s magazines and metro sexual men as the consumers which need fashion and metropolis lifestyle information. Up until now, mass media either electronic or published media remain persisted in gender bias of women. Men have no place in media especially in published media such as magazine. Whereas in this modern era, men also need different information with women which is higher concern in masculine life style. Metro sexual men become new phenomenon and have its own trend which emerged in metropolis cities such Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung and etc. Assumptions which analyzed are the threatening of role, function and the different between normative of man and woman that is vaguer and vaguer. Metro sexual is not only as a trend but also new social identity. Men?s life style magazine becomes interested when it was criticized. Some critics expressed that these magazines reflect the increasing of gender features in media due to it focuses into the topics which only become women concern previously. The description of masculinity is the interesting point to be further explored. This research is aimed to explore the ideology built in text structure and the advertisement of Indonesia men?s magazines and how the masculine construction has interrelationship with metro sexual men which has become new icon of capitalism in magazine. The research?s analysis focused on the articles and advertisements which emerged with four main issues namely masculinity construction, sexuality concept, gender relation, and political economy of mass media where these terms built consumers thought especially men in Indonesia. read more

Politik Ruang Pasar dan Perjuangan Mama-Mama Papua


Masyarakat tempatan di Papua bisa dikatakan menjadi daerah di garis depan (frontier) pertemuan kekuatan-kekuatan kapital global dalam memanfaatkan sumberdaya alam dan sumber daya manusia. Persaingan memperebutkan akses ekonomi politik menjadi tak terhindarkan. Ketegangan (kekalahan) orang lokal Papua dengan para migran dalam merebut akses ekonomi sering disebut sebagai salah pemantik marginalisasi orang lokal Papua di tanahnya sendiri. Ruang-ruang ekonomi seperti pasar, birokrasi dan tentu saja masuknya perusahaan multinasional menjadi ladang subur terciptanya persaingan. Salah satu potret nyata adalah perjuangan mama-mama Papua mendapatkan akses ke pasar untuk menjual produk hasil bumi mereka. Di Pasar Sanggeng Manokwari, Papua Barat misalnya, mama-mama Papua menggelar dagangan berjejer di tanah, sementara pasar tingkat yang menyediakan kios-kios dikhususkan untuk para pedagang yang memiliki modal besar untuk membayar sewa kios. Bahkan di Jayapura, mama-mama Papua berjualan di pinggir jalan berseberangan dengan Pasar Gelael, sebuah perusahaan supermarket mewah. Paper ini membahas bagaimana ruang-ruang publik, dalam paper ini adalah pasar, menjadi medium penting perjuangan mama-mama Papua untuk menunjukkan eksistensi mereka, dalam bentuk perjuangan hak untuk berdagang, di tengah ruang pasar yang dipenuhi oleh kuasa kapital dalam bentuk penyewaan kios-kios yang sebagian besar dikuasai oleh para migran. read more

WOMEN AND POLITICS OF LAW: Affirmative Action for women’s political participation


This paper aimed to discuss: 1) affirmative action for women’s political equality in the Act of ?Package of Politics?, and 2) find the fundamental weaknesses and implications of such affirmative action to raise women’s political equality. The study is based on analysis of documents, both primary (Act of Package of Politics) and secondary (supporting literature, whether books or mass media). Perspective used in the study on the portrait of women and Indonesia politics of law is feminist legal theory or feminist Jurisprudence. The results of study are as follow. First, the Act of Political Package contains affirmative politics for women to encourage the formal participation of women in politics: in the political superstructure institutions (MPR, DPR, DPD, and DPRD), the political infrastructure (political party), the organizer of the elections (KPU), and supervisor board of them (Bawaslu). Second, politics of law behind Act of Package of Politics deviates from the doctrine of neutrality and objectivity of law within the framework of justice principles (as believed by the school of legal positivism), instead, leads to the construction of feminist legal theory. Third, the construction of such laws does not necessarily guarantee political equality of women, even in some degree it is contradictive to respect of women. Fourth, there are fundamental weaknesses in regulatory form and systemic one as well. Some conspicuous weaknesses are the fragility of quota figure logics, the absence of firm enforcing offices, and the lack of imperative sanctions in those Acts for any violation against the provisions of women quota. Those would affect systemically to the whole form of respect to women. read more



There are interesting developments of political psychology, particularly in the effort of women in politic arena. Until the mid-year 2007, at least 82 women were recorded following the elections in 232 provincial-level regions and districts level. Out of the above, 26 women (30.76%) registered as a candidate for the leader of region and 57 women (69.24%), registered as a deputy leader of the region, although only eight women who are successfully elected as the leader of region and 11 elected as deputy leaders of regional (Arifin, 2008). With direct elections as happened today, making the candidates should follow the “interest” of voters. Efforts to understand the voter?s behavior, feelings and thinking do not always easy. The old ways by making a donation of material deemed not affect voters more powerful. One possible solution is the assessment needs of the voter. Fullfillness of voter?s needs is not always easy because there are differences of character between communities, genders and individuals that influence their voting behavior. Voting behavior was defined as a voter in the decision to vote for certain candidates in both the legislative and executive elections. In political science, there are two kinds of approaches in analyzing the voting behavior. 1). sociological approach. Person?s background, gender, social class, race, religion, and ideology determine the decision to voting according the approach. 2). psychological approach. In this approach, value, personal qualities of the candidates, issues which developed by candidate and loyalty to the party are influence voter?s choice. Some research shows that there exist different patterns of voting behavior between men and women. Women are more conservative in determining her choosen than men (Inglehart & Norris, 2000). The study involved 90 students (45 women and 45 men). To take data used scenarios about election for leader of region (bupati). Than subyek choose Male or female as a leader, or not vote at all. Each alternative answer to the subjects was asked to give a reason. Analysis of data using qualitative thematic and cross tabulation. The results shown that subjects who choose a man as a leader as much as 68 people or 75.56%, and who chose women as leaders “only” 12 people or 13.33%. Subjects who abstained are 11 people or 11.11%. From these results also show that women’s voting behavior, are more likely to choose a man as the leader. This could occur because women are believe that the more entitled and deserve to be leaders are men, as seen from a variety of reasons expressed by respondents, such as the existence theorem ?Arrijalu Qawwamuna ‘Alannisa? that for those respondents meaning of the phrase is an indication for Muslims that the man was “better” than women, so men more creditable of a leader, and they also hold on to reason like all the other prophets were men and the prophets had a good lead with each group, the alternative answer to this emerged from the respondents from the Islamic university. In otherside college law student backgrounds, they are more likely to choose women, because women have the ability as good as men, and women are also more sensitive to the people. read more

Rolling-sliding Contacts and It’s Applications: A Review


Tribology science is one of the applied sciences in mechanical engineering which focuses on the investigation of interacting surfaces in relative motion and its consequences. This science is related to the friction, wear and lubrication which control the lifespan of the contacting system. Some of the mechanical components such as: gears, wheels and rails, and roller bearings perform the rolling-sliding contact on their contacting surface. For example in the spur gears contact, the engineer should consider the contact pressure, deformation, and wear fundamentally in order to get the best performance. This paper objective is reviewing some rolling-sliding contact model and to choose the appropriate model to be combined with the developed ellipsoid contact model. The combination between rolling-sliding contact model with developed contact model will be applied in micro-scale contact on the real engineering surface. The stick-slip regions between the two contacted surfaces acts as the factor in determining the rolling-sliding contact situation. The finite element analysis (FEA) is used to compare one of the published rolling-sliding contact model. A good agreement is found one of analytical model, FEA model and the recent FEA results. The transient in rolling-sliding contact occurs at the start of rolling contact and it is followed with the steady state situation. read more



Akar multikulturalisme adalah kebudayaan. Kebudayaan sebagai pedoman bagi kehidupan manusia sehingga mempelajari kehidupan dalam suatu ruang komunitas yang memiliki multikultur budaya dalam satu ruang komunitas bernama kampung menjadi menarik untuk diwacanakan. Pelajaran multikulturalisme dalam berbagai interaksi yang ada dalam berbagai struktur kegiatan kehidupan manusia yang tercakup dalam kehidupan sosial, ekonomi, kebudayaan dan lingkungan, serta berbagai kegiatan lainnya di dalam masyarakat yang bersangkutan menjadi representasi keberagaman karakter serta budaya dalam kemanunggalan rasa yakni toleransi. Pemahaman kampung multikultural selama ini hanya sebagai tempat tinggal yang dihuni oleh sekelompok masyarakat dengan keberagaman suku, etnis, agama, bangsa, karakter perilaku, serta adat istiadat, namun lebih jauh fungsi kampung multikulturalisme ini juga merupakan wahana belajar mengenai kehidupan manusia yang syarat dengan potensi konflik dan perubahan sosial. Titik kajian ada pada pola toleransi pada tiga kampung multikultural di Jawa Timur dengan repersentasi Kampung Duko di Pulau Kangayan pada Kabupaten Sumenep, Jawa Timur. read more

Paremiologi: Seni Memahami Karakteristik Masyarakat Indonesia Melalui Peribahasa


Proverbs have specifities, such as: meter, rhyme, slant rhyme, alliteration, assonance, personification, paradox, and parallelism. The explanation of local proverbs are given here with their meanings and interpretations. The proverbs are from: Aceh, Banyumasan, Batak Toba (North Sumatera), Bugis (South Sulawesi), Dayak Ngaju (Kalimantan Tengah), Java, Makassar (South Sulawesi), Manado (North Sulawesi), Minangkabau (West Sumatera), Semende (South Sumatra), Simalungun, Wolio (Ujung Pandang), and other proverbs that comes from: Bali, Banjar (South Kalimantan), Boolang Mongondouw (North Sulawesi), Dayak Bakumpai (South Kalimantan), Dayak Kendayan (West Kalimantan), Dayak Maanyan (Kalimantan Tengah), Dayak Suhaid, (West Kalimantan), Flores (Nusa Tenggara Timur), Jambi, Kaili (Sulawesi Tengah), Kaur (Bengkulu), Kei (Maluku), Kerinci (Jambi), Lampung, Madura (East Java Province), Mandar (West Sulawesi), Mbojo (Nusa Tenggara Barat), Minahasa (North Sulawesi), Palembang (South Sumatera), Riau, Samawa (Nusa Tenggara Timur), Sunda (West Java), and Papua. The metabolism of proverbs is giving a new paradigm and lead to a wonderful opportunity into great research. read more

The Identity of Mandailing Julu Settlements in North Sumatera


This paper tried to explain the identity of Mandailing Julu settlements in North Sumatera. The Mandailing district is traditionally divided into two region namely the Mandailing Godang ?lower Mandailing? and Mandailing Julu ?upper Mandailing?. In this inventory project the research being carried out is retricted to ten villages which are situated in the Mandailing Julu region. Therefore, the subject of this study in this report is restricted only to the surveyed area, in Mandailing Julu region. The study and analysis has been found that the identity of Mandailing Julu settlements showed with two big themes, namely (1) The concepts of Banua and (2) Water Culture. The concept of Banua has been applied on traditional building models by pillar houses and arrangement of environment settlement by setting of traditional main buildings in the middle of huta. The water culture means understood the water with three points, namely (a) Water as a Source of Life, (b) The Spiritual Value of the River and (c) Waterbank-based Life Tradition. Water as Source of Life, always directed to explain something about human interaction with the river, like days activities for example accross the river to go to the plantation, create a Lubuk Larangan, pan for gold; and also the activities that be related to traditional activities like religion and nationality celebrate. The Spiritual Value of the River has been made every changes in the environment and settlement of the community to always keep maintain that something urgent and important related to interaction between human and the river. Waterbank-based Life Tradition has been showed that transformation cause of modernization, industrialization and even politic could not change their character of waterbankbased live tradition. read more