Liquid sludge byproduct of biogas installations is highly potential to be used as a liquid fertilizer. Liquid sludge can also be used as an alternative culture media for growing the Pseudomonas fluorescens bacteria that can act as bioprotectant for plants. This study aimed to assess the effect of slaughterhouse waste (abattoir) cattle blood in the content of N, P, and K of the liquid fertilizer obtained from the liquid sludge enriched by bioprotectant. This study also examines the growth of the colony population and the effectiveness of antagonistic Pseudomonas fluorescens bacteria to control plant pathogen Fusarium oxysporum fungal in liquid sludge culture media which is enriched by abattoir beef blood waste of different concentrations.The experiment was done four treatments, namely the addition of abattoir beef blood waste 0, 2.5%, 5% and 7,5% was applied. Each treatment was repeated three times except for plant trials in testing the effectiveness of antagonistic bacteria on each treatment which was repeated ten times. The variables observed were: total nitrogen, total phosphorus, total potassium, the growth of the colony population, and the effectiveness of antagonist microbia, Pseodomonas fluorescens. To determine the effect of treatment, the data were analyzed using ANOVA. Duncan Test was applied to examine the difference among the treatment. The results showed that the sludge byproduct of biogas installations that have been used as a culture media for Pseudomonas fluorescens bacterial with additional abattoir beef blood waste 5% and 7,5% organic liquid fertilizer is a good source of N, having average N content of over than 3%. Abattoir beef blood waste concentrations is added to liquid sludge positive influence on linier growth rate of Pseodomonas fluorescens bacterial colonies population. Optimum results in the growth rate calculation of Pseudomonas fluorescens bacterial colonies population on the liquid sludge ware 27,12 Cfu / ml.hour that occurred at the time of 4 hours. Pseudomonas fluorescens bacteria were grown in liquid sludge byproduct of biogas installations with or without the addition of abattoir beef blood waste has the ability to suppress the growth of Fusarium oxysporum fungal both in vitro and in vivo in the greenhouse.