It is commonly believed that education plays the most significant role in the development of a nation. Education may be regarded as an investment in human capital formation that lays the foundation for future economic growth and development of a country not to mention our country, Indonesia. Our government even has given explicitly the definition of the term education in the Act of Republic Indonesia on National Educational System that may be considered as: ??.conscious and well planned effort in creating a learning environment and learning process so that learners will be able to develop their full potential for acquiring spiritual and religious strengths, develop selfcontrol, personality, intelligence, morals and noble character and skills that one needs for him/herself, for the community, for the nation, and for the State. National education means education based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution, and is rooted in the religious values, national cultures of Indonesia, and one that is responsive to the needs of the ever-changing era. (Act Of Republic Indonesia on National Educational System? (Chapter 1 Article 1 and 2).
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