
There are Tionghoa etnics in Indonesia are showed pluralism and multicultural phenomena. They are minority between pluralism etnics. In 1961, more than 2,45 million Tionghoa etnics or 2,5 percent from total population Indonesia in this time (Coppel,1983). In other hand, Tionghoa etnics have reins more than 70-80 percent economy sectors. As imigrant nation, there is integration indigen and Tionghoa is need a long time because culture, social and self interest of nation are different. Hasya Bactiar say, that difficulty integration process is not they don?t need, but there is push away from several interest. Whereas, solidarity can improved if they come have unity from the others. The disagreement, is not separation from many policy to them from Colonialism until New Orde is double. In cultural and politic sector, they have limited. In the other hand, they have previledge in economy sector. The policy inclened sensitif and acomodatif to them is pasca reformasi, with UU Kewarganegaraan and legitimacy to cultur Tionghoa Etnics, like Barngsai and Imlek. The legitimacy from government is very important and have influence with nasionalism. Tionghoa etnics nasionalism is different from indigen. We have different about color line and cultural, so the nasionalism form is different too. The possesion of Indonesia in foreign with variants activity is part of their nationalism. Indonesian society is very plural, so not uniform in many things, like nasionalism action. Because of that, there is no problem we have many variant nasionalism. Not only in package but also in action.

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