Local Primordialism in Pesantren (A Case Study in Assalaam Modern Islamic Boarding School Surakarta, Central Java)


Local primordialism is an attitude of excessive regionalism with too much pride in their area so that other areas seem disparaging. Primordialism would cause conflict in social interaction. Pesantren is a subculture that multicultural because the student comes from many diverse cultures and ethnics. This diversity can be complemented one another so that it specific criteria in a boarding school life. Assalaam as one of the modern Islamic boarding school that has students from all provinces in Indonesia, each of the students have a variety of different backgrounds such as social, economic, and cultural. Assalaam is a collection of diversity. Diversity will make the boarding school as an egalitarian institution, it open to new things but do not leave the Islamic identity. In a diverse environment is potentially occurred local primordialism. The local primordialism also appears in the life at the pesantren Assalaam. Based on the characteristics of this research, it used descriptive qualitative method by using case study approach. The technique used for data collection is interview method and questionnaire. The election sempel uses purposive sampling method. Based on the research obtained, the result found varieties of friction as a result of the marked local primordialism formation of groups originating from the same area, so that often there is competition between groups. Competition between groups will be striving towards the achievement of the goals of pesantren to organize Islamic education process-oriented quality, highly competitive, and based on the Spiritual attitude, Intellectual and Moral. Nevertheless, they can maintain the harmonization ofpesantren life. They can be mutual respect, recognize, understand and learn the culture of other areas as a matter of tradition, lifestyle, language, dialect, and social status. Primordialism in pesantren will remain exist as long as the students have a different background areas but the impact will be reduced through giving an understanding about ukhuwah Islamiyah, the role of mentor, disallowing the use of local languages and common goals.

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