This article will examine an ethno-religious insurgency that aspires to create an Islamic state (Dar-us-Salaam) in Southern Thailand. The increasing Salafism-Wahhabism has spawned the growth of many insurgents and terrorist organizations that consider their violent campaigns as ?jihad? against the forces of unbelief. Salafism-Wahhabism is a fundamentalist movement seeking to purify the Muslim spirit and eradicate all innovations to Islam. It is responsible for the violence that Western countries and Middle Eastern states have been experienced for the past two decades. Furthermore, the Southern Thailand insurgents are mostly members of religious organizations with strong attachments to Salafi-Wahhabi ideology. Salafism-Wahhabism shares an excessive intolerance towards infidels and a strong tendency to label Muslims who disagree with their understandings of Islam as betrayers. It is seen as a key element of re-radicalisation in order to maintain the insurgents? political objective to convert Southern Thailand into an independent Islamic State. Although the creation of an Islamic State has not gained traction nationwide, it can be fitted in the forms of good governance, law enforcement and development programs implemented by the Thai government. This may contribute to the appropriate means to lessen socio-economic disparities, raise political- participation and decrease fear and distrust of security forces among the local population in Southern Thailand. Therefore, the arrangements created by the government need to be built on legitimacy and the awareness of the troubled history of the region from both sides.
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