Building the Coffee Farmer Community as the Local Strategy to Create MDGs


As one of the countries which took part in signing the MDGs, Indonesia has a hard job in reaching the target. It closely deals with the high disparity that happens across some areas in Indonesia in achieving MDGs. Therefore, some actions must be made in order to increase the local strategy so that it can answer the local problems which are faced by the local people. Concerning to this, the good and successful examples of some development are needed to be shared in order to inspire others. One of the examples is the community development which was conducted by University of Jember in guiding the local coffee farmer. This community development was conducted in Sidomulyo Village, Silo-Jember. This program has showed great result such as the improvement of the coffee farmer skill in processing the product. They became more independent farmers who were able to process their coffee by themselves. Moreover, the cooperative system (KSU Buah Ketakasi) has been able to improve the processing up to 320 tons, 280 out of which is sent for export market. Based on this experience, it is important to keep developing the local strategy in order to reach the target of 2015’s MDGs.

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